Drum Camp: comming 2025? | Bass Camp: comming 2025?
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Drums etc Vol 20, #6 Nov. 2008
Modern Drummer: Santana Now: A Force Of Nature
Mike Mangini: In Depth Rhythm Knowledge
Giovanni Hidalgo and friends
YouTube: Dennis Chambers
Dennis Chambers Mike Mangini Horacio Hernandez Kenwood Dennard Giovanni Hidalgo Raul Rekow - LP Music Flo Mounier
Video from one of the concerts nights at UDC, which are free for students of the camp. Mike Mangini & Giovanni Hildalgo. Unbelievable!
A little taste of what drum camp is like, featuring your mentors Dennis Chambers, Horacio Hernandez, Mike Mangini, Flo Mounier, Kenwood Dennard, Giovanni Hidalgo and Raul Rekow.
A video that Horacio did for the Ultimate Drum Camp! These are clips from 2009 & 2010. PHP: test
Location: Orford Musique. Mount Orford, Quebec, Canada Click here to register!